Easy, Fast and Hassle Free.
Renew your company registration with just 3 simple steps.
We are an online service provider that facilitate business owner or person responsible to renew their registered business under Registration Business Ac t 1956 prior or within 12 months after expired date.
Fill in your company/ business details in the form provided. (Inaccurate information will cause a delay in processing your submission)
Masukkan maklumat syarikat anda dengan tepat. (Maklumat yang tidak lengkap akan mengganggu proses pembaharuan)
You will be taken to a payment screen . Select your payment method and the bank.
Pilih cara membuat bayaran.
Complete your payment at the directed online banking website.
Buat pembayaran melalui perbankan talian.
Upon successful transaction , your certificate will be delivered through e-mail (Submission after working hours “9 am to 6 pm” will be processed on the next working day)
Anda akan menerima dokumen SSM melalui e-mel (Permohonan selepas waktu kerja “9am hingga 6pm” akan dilayan pada hari kerja yang seterusnya)
Online SSM Renewal Form
Customer Review & Testimonials
Alhamdulillah senang ada cara online mamcam nie memudahkan
quick respond good service…
Servis sangat bagus & cepat
Second time renew online so far bagus dan pantas, tak payah nak ambil cuti kerja. Tak sampai 5 minute dah dapat Certificate ssm.
Good job.. thanks for help for me. Really helpful.. thanks so much. Really really faster
Good service
Respond yang cepat.. Sangat membantu.. Tak perlu tunggu lama..
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